Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Updated pic and question for Toni!!!!

As Ruth had mentioned, I had wanted to stitch another square on KarenAZ's piece, so Ruth sent it back to me after she stitched on it. I ended up stitching 2 more squares, "H" and "I" (back in Sept, I stitched "J" and "R"). Here is an updated picture.

And, Ruth, here is the signature piece with your name added.

Question for Toni --- how is your recovery going? Are you stitching yet? Reason I asked.... Julie and I were talking last week. She currently has a couple Society RR pieces, ones that she will be sending to you when they are finished. If you are up to stitching, would you like me to send KarenAZ's piece to you now, you stitch on it next, then send it back to Julie? If you were starting to stitch again, it would get a piece to you now and by the time you finished it and sent it to Julie, Julie will probably have sent you another package with others to work on. Entirely up to you... if you're still not recovered enough to stitch, I'll send KarenAZ's piece to Julie.