Thursday, August 21, 2008


is anyone there? I am still waiting for the DMC threads so I can start the RR that I have.



Sharon said...

Hi Shellen! Are you yelling at us? LOL I'm here. I haven't started stiching yet but I'm planning on taking it to work with me and stitching over lunch. :)


Shelleen said...

No, I wasn't yelling, well maybe a little lol

J. Shelley said...

Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry.

No I haven't. the envelope has been on my desk and never making it out to the mailbox.... just like my netflix movies that I finished watching months ago.

I'm setting a calendar appointment right now, to page me tonight with a blaring pager alarm on my phone so I walk it the few feet to the mailbox.

Work has been busy, keeping me distracted, and add to it that we leave for a weeklong Disney World trip in 10 days and I'm starting to run around all crazy organizing what to pack.


Ruth said...

lol Shelleen :)

You know we love you, right?